Hey gang, sorry I haven't been writing my usual Weekly Questions bit. I'm sure your days have been unfulfilled for a while. So I'll try to ask extra-good questions. Remember, it's audience participation time. Just leave a comment to answer these questions. And do it honestly, because I'll know if you're cheating.

1. Have you ever visited a psychic? Did you like your prediction? How do you pick a good one? Or, how do you not get ripped off?

2. Did you fall for or pull any April Fool's jokes this year? I sucked big time and didn't do anything. In the past I pulled some good ones about me being in jail, knocking some girl up or getting married.

3. Gosh do I miss the days where I received a week off, you know, just because the school administration thought I needed a rest. How was your spring break? Do anything fun for that?

4. Obligatory Sex Question: 4A. Guys, have you ever been out "Big Game Hunting" — on the prowl for fat chicks? 4B. Girls, do you do anything as degrading or embarassingly obscene as go out on the town looking for a fat dude to bang? Or do girls go for the ugly goofballs? Obvious virgins? C'mon ladies, ‘fess up.

5. If you ever wondered how comfortable Luke Skywalker was sleeping in the guts of some two-legged cow thingy in "Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back," now you'll know. How awesome is this thing, the Tauntaun sleeping bag? Ladies, if you sleep in this and you're guaranteed to have a better chance at bedding me. Check out the full ad here: http://www.thinkgeek.com/stuff/41/tauntaun.html

