The Five O'Clock ShadowFive minutes to make you lau-

Walking behind a hot girl on your way to class has to be the most torturous experience possible. You are caught inbetween the worlds of reality and fantasy. She's 10 yards ahead and walking briskly. You could try catching up, but what do you do once you get there… besides breathing heavy? You could make a race out of it and impress her with your power-walking ability? Maybe you could even provoke her to pepper spray you. At which point you stand defiant, and show her that you're not just some creepy rapist lurking after young, defenseless girls.

You're going to be there through thick and thin. There's more where those red teary eyes came from honey, I'm a sensitive guy who wants to take many more walks with you. Hopefully down the aisle one day.

And as you follow her, wishing that lightning would strike her merely so you could say “Wow, are you okay? Yeah, that was incredible.”

But right as you're about to make some bold move showcasing your incredible wit without coming off as desperate, she diverts off your path, and you are left in utter ruin.

And as you sit in class taking that pop-midterm, you're hounded by the thought that you could be pounding her in some empty lecture hall right now if you had just said something.

Wait a minute, no you wouldn't.