As your virtual informants in the humor industry, it is often our duty and our pleasure to provide you with additional resources to help you combat the tyranny of boredom. (Okay, honestly, that's my personal opinion on the issue.) Anyway, I'd like to highlight a few of those quickly while I ponder skipping yet another of my “visiting student” classes here at Sam Houston. Worry not for me – I put my fake education on the line to provide you with wholly unauthorized satire for your real lives. Here are some links to check out.
As always, I advocate checking out The Onion – The America's Finest News Source.
Next up, why wait for an episode of The Daily Show or a CNN hourly update when you can get hear the president anytime on His Weekly Radio Address?
My last plug is for a former PIC-er who has gone to greener (as in paying) pastures. You can check out his blog at Being Ego-trip? Ha. Full of humor, this one is