Vaginas get a bad rap. They've been blamed for the current economic crisis, the future panda crisis, and Seal's face. I overhear things everyday to the tune of "oh, vaginas are so 1999," "what have vaginas ever done for the progressive environmental movement?" and "2 vaginas don't make a right."

But I'm going to go out on a limb here and say something that might be considered pretty extreme and radical. Now, tell me if I'm crossing the line here, but I sorta…I don't know, I sorta like vaginas.

I hope I haven't offended anyone with that statement. It's just, they're so cuddly, cute, and always down to go around the corner to that coffee shop and use their wi-fi to surf the web.

I'm just going to keep going with this current train of thought, and I'm sorry to the people I will offend, but…well, I'm just going to come out and say it: I wouldn't mind sticking a finger or a penis in a vagina neither.

Just sayin'…

Should I lie? Keep these feelings bottled up? Attack vaginas' personal character like everyone else? Sure, I could go around saying things like "vaginas? I hate those fucks" or "vaginas don't even know calculus pfffffffft what FUCKING IDIOTS" or even "Hitler had a vagina…you do the math." But it's just not who I am. My conscience wouldn't let me get away with it. Plus I hope to someday settle down with a vagina.