Hey, what's wrong?

You don't seem to be enjoying this sex as much as I am.

Why are you – what are you doing?

Are you pushing me?

Stop struggling. I'm ticklish.

What? Why are you saying ‘no'? Should I pull out or keep going? I'm gonna keep going. You're crazy. Not in the good way either.

Hint: shaving is a good idea.

You're like a dead log. A dead log that struggles at first when you try and f it, then stops struggling and just lies there like the dead log it is.

Okay, done. Phew.

What? Why are you calling that rape? Who are you talking to? Your father? Oh, Father McKinsey.

With all due respect, Father, I was just minding my own business praying, when this bitch came up to me and put her hand on my shoulder. She was all comforting and flirting with me and stuff. Next thing I know, my clothes are off and I look around for a place we can bang and the only place I see is this booth thing here. So I start taking off her clothes, I just figure she's lazy or something. Then we start having the best sex of her life I'm guessin', and for some reason bitch starts like pushing me and digging her nails into me and saying how much of a sin this is and I say I know baby I love it.

Oh, you heard the whole thing?

Confession booth? What's that?

Nun? She said her name was Sister Margaret!
