Look, Celeste, I understand what you're trying to do with this whole “pizza for one” business. But who the fuck are you to tell me how many people my pizza can feed? Look, if I want to invite thirty Japanese businessmen over to play some Wii and have a frozen pizza, I'm going to do that. How about you stick to making frozen cardboard pizzas, and I'll decide how to slice them up. K?

I had this cake, right, and it said 100% Butter Pound Loaf Cake. Clearly, this is a lie. If it were really 100%, it would just be a stick of butter in an Entemman's box, right? If on the other hand, the 100% refers to the whole thing, than isn't it just saying that it's 100% itself?

Is it ironic that Father's Day always lands on a Sunday, or am I just reaching now?

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