If you liked my most recent articleI put a link to this in my facebook notes to see what other WVU kids thought.

I found it pretty interesting, so I'll post it:

Ryan wrote
nick i loved it, u fuckin hit the nail on the head, ur a god

Nick wrote
Thank ya Rundle. You're a god, also, brother.

Kelsey wrote
This is why we call you “God”io.

Jae wrote
I agree with kelsey…….your shit is awesome. may you continue to be my fellow brooding artist.

Brandon wrote
You'll learn that once you graduate from WVU, though, you'll give less than a shit about any of those things. Roll with it. Look, I live in West Virginia (well, for at least the next month anyhow). I'm originally from Morgantown, I've lived here all my life. This shit's nothing new to me, but I understand how it may shock and appall anyone who isn't/wasn't a WVU student. I think WVU's problem is that it tries too hard to be a big, important place. This place isn't the next Penn State, USC, LSU, etc. The fact that we have excellent athletic programs is part of it, I think. Just because we excel in a few areas (like athletics, forensics, the med school, etc) doesn't change the fact that it's still a rinky-dink college in West Virginia. Mention “WVU” to anyone who doesn't follow college football and nobody will know what the hell you're talking about.

Carrie wrote
at 4:29pm on October 26th, 2006
i donno what this rush guy is talking about i grew up here and i dont remember it being like this. I do remember it being so much fun but now that everyones all concerned about cleaning up the party school image all the cops do is sit on their asses waiting to bust some drunk freshman instead of arresting ppl selling coke and chopping up girls on grant street. With that said i think the problem lies in the fact that morgantown city itself realizes they can make more money off the university if instead of arresting ppl who act should be locked up aka charlie the mother fucking retard. It is easier for them to ticket wasted freshman whos mommies and daddies have a lot of money to pay for their $600 citation for underage drinking from the dorm/university/city : )

Cody wrote
first of all, i hate Kevin Pittsnogle more than anyone i know. BUT, i can assure you he is not living in a trailor park. He actually signed an NBA contract with the Boston Celtics. So as much as you had hoped that he would fail in life and you prayed that basketball would not make him rich, well it is. So he pushed you in a club and they kicked you out, hmm, thats probably because nobody likes you. Your mad because shit is working out for the popular circus freak. quit crying and start writing better articles. It took you almost the whole thing to even introduce your topic. bitch

Nick wrote
You go girl!

My rendition of what you said…

First of all, I hate Kevin Pittsnogle more than anyone I know; however, I can assuer you that he is not living in a trailor park. Quite the contrary, he has signed an NBA contract with the Boston Celtics (who cut him). So, he pushed you in a club and they kicked you out? Hmmm. That's probably because nobody likes you. (Dude, you've got 78 friends!!!!! My cat's got 130 friends. Ohhhh!!!!!!). You're mad because shit is working out for the popular circus freak. Quit crying and start writing better articles. It took almost the entire thing to even introduce your topic (it's called, building tension). I wrote a facebook comment and made exactly no point at all. I am wasting the universe's energy. I should not live! I am completely and utterly a stupid… Bitch.

In closing, don't like what I got to say? Don't read my shit.

Athunk you

Cody wrote
you responded hahahahaha

Nick wrote
Yeah, you fucking moron…this is my personal shit…you need to quit stalkin my dick and get a fuckin life.

David wrote
sweet, dude

Cody wrote
my bad, i dont mean to get in your “personal shit”. this must be really “personal shit”. so ” personal ” this its on facebook you fucker!! hahahahaha

Nick wrote
I've met a lot of stupid people over the course of my 20 years on God's green Earth, livin in Mighty-By-God AMERICAH. I've met me some illerate Chinese hookers. I've met brain dead carrion-looking men. I've met me the blind. I've met me the deaf. I've met me the silent and I've met me the mute. But sir, I gotta tell you, you're the dumbest son of a bitch alive.

I have to interview you.

I organize the glass cage and guards, you ask your warden if you're free after laundry duty.


The end.
(And I do realize by putting it on here that I'm sort of contradicting myself in the Facebook thing; as they say, “good for a penny, good for a pound”)

I think it's pretty fucking funny, (nearer to the end).

This is the official end.
