Let's go for a drive and check out a sunset

Name: Rick G.

Sign: Leo

Background: White

Age: 44

Name is Rick and I drive a rig. I got a 17 year old son named Pauly who smokes grass and enjoys his Southpark. Interested or not?

Like I said I can go check out sunsets if you want. or maybe we can shoot off my mauser 86SR sniper rifle. I'll shoot you in the back if you're not looking. That was a joke.

Listen, if you want to ride then respond back. If not, then fuck off. Really don't have the time to worry about a monkey who plays head games to jump on my back right now. We clear?

My son would like to say a few words:

Hey ladizzzzzz……my pops is da shit so message back. And bring your daugtherzzzz!!

He's a good kid. Not afraid to slit his throat though if he lays a hand on you.

Thank you for your time.
