There's no doubt about it.  Some songs just grab you by the lapels and drag your lapel-wearing ass into the cold pits of awesomeness where you shake and shiver to the beat as the snakes of mental progress hiss sweet nothings in your ears.

Jimi Hendrix could make those songs. 

Pearl Jam can make those songs.

The Doors made some of them songs. 

Michael Lipinksi does not. 

Lipinski is a douchebag.  Now, you don't know Lipinski and you're lucky.  More importantly, you have never heard Lipinski play, which again makes you lucky.  But by far and away the thing that makes you dear readers most lucky is that you never had to smell Lipinski.

I don't even know you and that alone makes me jealous of you. 

Anyway, Lipinski sucks, his music sucks and he sucks and that would be all you needed to know about him…

If he didn't have the largest damn ball of string in Hillsborough county. 

God, Lipinski is a douche.

