I hope everyone enjoyed their three day weekend. Come to think of it, I hope I enjoyed it too. Oh wait, I didn't enjoy it at all. Oh well, a man can still hope.

Memorial Day is always an interesting day. We're supposed to use it as a chance to thank all the men who fought and died in wars for this great nation, but mainly we just barbecue pork and drink beer. I love this country.

There are a lot of people in this country who feel that if we moved Memorial Day to a fixed date, thus eliminating the three day weekend, we would treat the day with more reverence and not as an excuse to go to the beach and get drunk. I personally hate this idea. I think we can honor fallen soldiers and barbecue at the same time. Maybe I'm a little quirky.

Baseball is big on Memorial Day. But for some reason, my team got that day off. I hate it when that happens. No team should ever have Memorial Day off. I mean, what am I supposed to watch while drinking beer and barbecuing?

Memorial Day was allegedly created after The Civil War, the bloodiest war in American history and a war which left the country relatively divided for a long time. None of that changes the fact that the Midwest has the best baby back ribs though.

The official birthplace of Memorial Day is Boalsburg, Pennsylvania, which probably has a sign commemorating itself as being the official birthplace of Memorial Day, which leads me to believe that Boalsburg is probably very boring.

Memorial Day Weekend is a big weekend for arrests. People love getting arrested on Memorial Day Weekend. The prisons all across America are like a big block party. Seriously, you should check it out if you haven't yet. Jail is the place to be on this sacred three-day weekend.

Memorial Day used to be called Decoration Day, but I guess everyone got sick of decorating on that day or something. History does not really relate. Mainly because it's not an interactive thing per se, but also because Wikipedia couldn't tell me.

Logic and fluidity recently crawled into a bottle of rum and promised not to come out until 2009 (it's been a rough year for logic and fluidity), so I leave you with the following, my favorite Memorial Day Quote.

“I only make my Memorial Day barbecue sauce once a year because it looks kind of like blood.”