While I cruised around the USA during my homecoming vacation, one of the most important things I needed to do was visit my grandparents. Unfortunately, my Grandpa hasn't been doing well for the past few years, but lately his health has declined much faster since I've been away to Korea. My father tried to prepare me for what I was about to see, but I still wasn't ready to witness one of my true heroes like that.

The biggest shock was when my Grandma saw me, gave me a great big hug and said, "Oh Sean, it's so good to see you after all this time."

My Grandma has been dealing with all of my Grandpa's problems like a true member of the Greatest Generation, but she is also 91 years old. As my heart broke to even smaller pieces, I held back some more tears and thought, "Oh goodness gracious. My Grandma is losing it too." (I also use my Grandma's fake swear words.)

I tried to correct her. "Grandma, I'm not Sean. (There hasn't been a Sean in my family tree for as long as I know.) I'm Casey."

She just smiled, pinched my cheek and said, "I know, Casey. But you're so handsome you look like Sean Connery Junior."

Oh Grandma, I love and miss you so much. That quote has brought me to tears for the entire writing of this story and made the awful loss of Grandpa a tiny bit easier.

You are truly the best Grandma.

