I just flew back from St. Louis and I'm already sitting in my apartment and tapping these keys for you, dear reader. Never mind that there's no beer in this house, or that Monday Night Football is on my television as we speak. The important thing is: you get more of The Nate Way. I am your humble servant. I'm here for you.

Since you never asked, I went to St. Louis for a few reasons, all of them pretty much stemming from the fact that I am from there? Hey, I got an idea. How about some highlights from my trip?

It's like I read my own mind.

My Niece's First Cardinal Game
I saw the St. Louis Cardinals defeat the San Francisco Giants in Busch Stadium III on Saturday. That's really nothing special because I always catch a game when I'm in town during baseball season. What is special, however, is that I took my seven year old niece to her first Cardinal game ever. This is awesome to me because no kid forgets who took them to their first professional baseball game. So, ten years from now, when she's gearing up for her senior year of high school and I'm on year three of my first prison sentence, she will always remember that crazy Uncle Nate took her to her first game ever. That makes me feel good.

My Married Friends Getting Time Away from their Wives
All of my old friends from high school are either married or engaged. So, when I come into town, they all get a pass from their wives and get to be real men again. Of course, they only get to be real men between phone calls home to their wives, but some of the time is better than none of the time, I guess. (Side note: My friend who shall remain nameless, was told by his wife that he was to call home every time we went to a different bar, Friday night. He failed to do so and may or may not have ended up sleeping on the couch as a result. Long story short: I'm never getting married.)

My Buddy Aaron's Wedding
Hey, it wouldn't be a Nathan DeGraaf sanctioned flight if I didn't get to see at least two people get married. It is always nice to see old friends and toast the memory of their testicular ownership. I'm sorry. I meant “toast their marriage and long life together.” Yeah, that's what I meant.

I Can't Write This One
This is how whipped some of my friends are. I can't even write my fourth favorite highlight or I'll hear no end of shit from my married friends. God, growing up sucks. At least, that's what I hear.

All in all it was a good trip. I ate good food, saw people I loved, drank heavily and repeatedly and enjoyed the comfort of friends and of family.

In other words, it's good to be home.