Dear Sarah, Michelle and Lisa;

Ladies, ladies, ladies….

What can I say? How flattered I am to receive such affection from such beautiful babies.

Because of you, my room is now full of roses, chocolates and love letters. My dad jokes around that he should of named me Romeo but he's just a jealous fag.

I must admit, this isn't the first time the female gender has fallen so hard for yours truly.

My mom says its my gorgeous hair, my dad says its because I'm a heartbreaker, my sister says its my boyish good looks….

But I think its my tight body.

ANYWAYS ENOUGH OF THIS! Time is ticking and I don't have time to play these little love games.

I'm sorry ladies, but there is a whole different world then what your pathetic blind eyes see. Something huge is happening and I'm currently in the middle of a crazy battle.

Currently, the wars between the Zoacs and the F1's have calmed down. But nothing is safe and I can't trust no one. Including you girls!! For all I know anyone of you can be a mole and I just can't take that chance.

I highly recommend that you fall OUT of love with me.

F1 Commanding Officer,


P.S. Here is a HOT picture of me to remember me by. And yes…I'm in full uniform ready for battle.