Send To Recycle Bin In The Sky
It's highly possible that in this technological age of ours, a lot of people are starting to type up their suicide notes instead of the old-fashioned, BORING, pen and paper. But I wonder: do these people correct spelling errors? Do they take tips from the paper clip guy? Do they save the note when they're done? And when printing off, how pissed would you be if you were out of paper or ink? That would make a guy want to kill himself.
If FDR Was Paranoid
“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. Oh, and our evil space alien twins beaming information to and receiving information from interstellar satellites implanted in children's heads.”
And why shouldn't we be afraid of polio? He knew first hand how bad it was.
Bottle Fed
I wonder if there are any five-year-old drug addicts or alcoholics.
Kick Him Back
If you were going out with an abortion doctor or an aspiring abortion doctor (currently in abortion college), do you think he would get you pregnant and then perform abortions on you for practice?
Outside The Lines
I bet John Hancock hated college-ruled paper.
The Democrats Can Use This Argument If Desperate
John McCain was in prison once. Yes, he was a prisoner of war while he was serving our country – but still, do you want a criminal running our country?