I always pick and edit the daily College Quotes while listening to the “Jazz Classics” station on Yahoo Launchcast. I've tried doing it to practically every station, but something about the absurdity and stupidity of the quotes, combined with the sincerity and originality of true jazz music makes for the ultimate humorously ironic combination. This is what often inspires the sarcastic subtexts I write next to the quoter's name.

I never thought it could happen, but I actually have a favorite joke on the site. From Return of the Mack (Hardcore Remix) by Scott Goodyer:

At random times just lean over and whisper “I love you baby” in her ear. Then immediately lean over in her other ear and say “whatever.” I swear she’ll get wet right there.

Every time I read this I literally laugh out loud. Seriously…LOL people. Now if only I could bring myself to try this line out for real.

404 pages can be boring. If you've ever gone to a nonexisting page on PIC, you know this isn't the case. For example, say you thought I was hording large amounts of perishable fruits to constantly prepare for an emergency within the next 1 week. You might try:

Only then would you find out what I'm ACTUALLY hording.

…please don't call PETA.