Basically, Ron Paul is core. And even though I'm not the most political of men, I am firmly endorsing Ron Paul for President because America needs someone who respects its citizens' freedom and individualism. If you're tired of getting screwed over by the American government, please link to this page so you and your friends can get a weekly taste of freedom. Enjoy…


October 2007

Core Constitution

One Core Act

The Media Fears Core

Core Acrostic

September 2007

Support Our Troops: Vote Core

Core Enough for the Constitution

Core Logic

Core Market

August 2007

Too Core for Bob

The AP Doesn't Know Core

July 2007

One Core Speech

Core Following

The Internet is Core Too

Mainstream Media is Not Core

June 2007


Corest Old Man Ever

Too Core for Iowa

Core to the Core

In Honor of His Coreness

May 2007

Ron Paul: Still Core

Ron Paul is Core

