Dear Father,

Long time, no talk.

How are things? Its been what? 9 years since I last talked to you. You dead yet old man? haha.

I'm doing well for myself…. Real well actually.

Finally found myself a woman.

Surprised? “About time” you're thinking to yourself? That's right, all those years when you woke me up in the middle of the night to tell me I was a queer…

now who's the queer?

Shes crazy in bed too. She likes to be tied up and we go on 2 day sex benders. She's always begging for it. She's blonde too….just the kind you always said I'd never get!!

I know right about now you're probably saying “bullshit”! Just like all the other times when I said I had a girlfriend and you caught me lying.

Well this time I have proof!!!!!!!!!!! Last night when we were hot and heavy I took some pics…

Best viewed with your pants off!


P.S. Maybe one day you and I will run into each other….who knows….I've seen craizer things happen in cyberworld.