The 5 O'Clock Shadow – Five minutes to make you lau-

I'm already a day late on a ten page paper due in one of my classes. For you math majors out there, that's like being 1 day late on 2, 5 page papers. Although being MATH majors, I'm sure you still have no idea what that's like.

It's equivalent to about 100 word problems, except I have to write, not solve, them. I already have 5 points off for being a day late, and wouldn't be surprised if I procrastinated again tonight to take another 5 points off.

The problem I'm facing now is one of dread. I've never written a 10 page paper be-4. I fear the minimum is 2 long. The limit of bullshit as knowledge approaches its upper bound is about 6 pages. Factor in less than 24 hours for t, and it doesn't take an astrophysicist to figure out I'm kinda screwed.

Not to be one of those people who complains about how much work they have.