The other day, I received the following message via email. And since I have been so lame that I have absolutely nothing going on in my life (don't worry; I'm bored so that will soon change), I have decided to post it up here and respond to it. I'm cool like that.
From: Frank S.
Subject: Five Questions
Dear Nathan:
I know you probably get this all the time, but I really enjoy your writing. I read you almost every day. [You're] a big reason why I haven't quit my job, yet. And for that, I thank you.
I do have a few questions that I was hoping you could answer, though. Seeing as how you're here to help and all that (thanks to you, I write and say “and all that” all the time and my friends hate me for it), I was thinking you could help me understand what's going on in your life.
I have five questions for you, kind sir.
1. What do you do for a living if PIC doesn't pay?
2. How do you find the time to write if you work for a living?
3. Have you fucked Stoner Girl yet?
4. What is your beef with Tucker Max?
5. Are you and Justin Rebello good friends?
I know I may [seem] like some kind of stalker weirdo for asking all this, but I really am curious. I just discovered the blog a few months ago and have since devoured it and I really would like to know more about your life.
Thanks in advance,
Frank S.
Wow, that email made me feel important, even though it is kind of scary that it was sent by a dude. But anyway, I'll answer the questions.
1. What do you do for a living if PIC doesn't pay?
This is the question I get way too much and I'm fucking sick of it. I'm not allowed to write in detail about my job, so let me just state these facts: I hold a Series 7 license, a series 66 license, a Life, Health and Variable Annuities license, a Mortgage Brokers license and am also Certified Notary. Basically, I deal with insurance, investments and general finance. And yes, it's a little boring.
2. How do you find the time to write if you work for a living?
I write quickly and I work quickly.
3. Have you fucked Stoner Girl yet?
No. And, to borrow a phrase from Forrest Gump, that's all I have to say about that.
4. What is your beef with Tucker Max?
I have no beef with Tucker Max. I enjoy his writing. A while back I sent him an email asking him to lay off a particular piece on Points in Case because he had upset the writer involved. We exchanged emails and he posted that exchange on his site without my consent. For some reason, people think I have a problem with the guy but I've never met him. I enjoy his stories and do not care whether they're true or not.
5. Are you and Justin Rebello good friends?
Justin Rebello and I have never actually met. The only PIC people I have met are Michael Curtiss, Court Sullivan, Mikey Faerber and Mike Forest (retired). Nevertheless, I enjoy exchanging emails with Justin during the MLB and NFL postseasons.
Frank S, thanks for your curiosity.
God, I'm self-involved.