Tommy was over at his best friend Doug's place when Doug broke him the good news.

“Tommy, I've started dating this girl.”

Tommy was happy for Doug. It had been a long time since Doug had any contact with a female. Her name is Karen.

Things worked out well for Doug and Karen. They dated for a couple months and then things got serious when Karen moved in with Doug. Things got even more serious when a few months after that Doug proposed to Karen and she said yes.

Doug was this time over at Tommy's place when he told him that news. Tommy couldn't believe how fast things were moving for Doug. But Tommy didn't say anything and popped open a couple beers to celebrate.

Doug and Karen ended up heading over to Vegas and pulled a wedding via drive-thru. Tommy said he was disappointed he couldn't be there with them but again was happy for Doug. Doug was now married.

A few years passed by and Doug and Karen had two children. They were forced to adopt though because Karen claimed she wasn't able to have children.

Doug and Karen grew old together and one day when Karen was on her death bed, with Doug by her side, she asked Doug to lean in close. “I have something I need to tell you.” Doug leaned in closer and Karen took off her face mask…

“Tommy??” Doug said.

“April fool's!!!” Tommy laughed.

“You mean you were Karen the whole time?”

Tommy smiled…”ya man!”

Doug was amazed. “You crazy mother fucker! Good one!”

And they high-fived.