If you're a fan at all of hip hop, you've probably heard Kanye West's new single “Stronger”. It's number 6 in the U.S., number 1 in the U.K., and the #5 single in the world.

Anyway, the lyrics are here: http://www.metrolyrics.com/stronger-lyrics-kanye-west.html

All of this is basically poor exposition to my own remix, based loosely on Nate's Beater Bitch column, which you should read after you read this. Enjoy.

After writing this, I realized it was more depressing than funny. But since I've already written it, I might as well post it.


N-n-now he does not kill me
He only makes me weaker
As long as I hurry and cook now
And act a little meeker
I know he's always right now
And I'm just a dumb slut tweaker
He's been waiting to eat all night now
And that's why he “had to beat her”

He's the boss tonight
I'm getting fucked up like Kate Moss tonight
I play dead so I don't get right crossed tonight
And he loves me no matter what he does, alright?
He's not horrible, I'm just a hor
And it doesn't even really hurt anymore
Whose fault it is, I'm not sure
I mean, I shouldn't have left my shit on the floor
Having a boyfriend is the greatest
And he doesn't hit me as hard as my latest
I don't know why everyone overweights this
I should think in my mind “he hates this”
Besides you know I'm just a waitress
And God was the one who chose to mate us
And I can drift away like I'm weightless
If it gets too bad, so it's fine, I'm great, miss.

N-n-now he does not kill me
He only makes me weaker
As long as I hurry and cook now
And act a little meeker
I know he's always right now
And I'm just a dumb slut tweaker
He's been waiting to eat all night now
And that's why he “had to beat her”

It's way better to have a man for me
And I know God has a plan for me
God has to have a plan for me
I'm rolling this meth got it's hands on me
I know my boyfriend's a fan of me

Why the fuck would I be such a bitch to him?
Why did I have to give that itch to him?
This meth probably has me lookin' like a witch to him
But I would do anything for a black guy
And he always avoids giving me a black eye
And he took me to an event that was black tie
And he introduced me to the crack high
That's what he called anal, the crack high
And once black, you never go back, right?
And the sex? (Harder, faster, stronger, better)

N-n-now he does not kill me
He only makes me weaker
As long as I hurry and cook now
And act a little meeker
I know he's always right now
And I'm just a dumb slut tweaker
He's been waiting to eat all night now
And that's why he “had to beat her”

You know how long we've been dating?
Since Lincoln was debating
Since Alli Parks wasn't grating*
It's a life together we're creating
The sex? (stronger, harder, faster, longer)

N-n-now he does not kill me
He only makes me weaker
As long as I hurry and cook now
And act a little meeker
I know he's always right now
And I'm just a dumb slut tweaker
He's been waiting to eat all night now
And that's why he “had to beat her”

*I actually enjoy her writing, but what would one of my posts be without a needless cheap shot?