Goon For Hire is true, I've been laid off. While I'm waiting for that perfect henchman job, I'm bartending. I forgot how much I like waking up at noon, getting paid in cash and flirting with college girls. I also remembered how much I can't stand most drunks, hate being locked into boring conversation and dread seeing who these college chicks go home with every night.

Enough with the life update. On with the Weekly Questions!

1. I judge people on their drinks. I choose whiskey on the rocks or beer. When you're at the bar, what're ya havin'?

2A. Obigatory sex question: Have you ever hooked up with a bartender, bouncer or waitress after meeting them on their first day of work? 2B. Have you hooked up with somebody after they met you at your job? Explain. 2C. I was a lifeguard back in high school, so I've been hit on by females of all ages. Is there a job that gets consistently hit on more often than bartending, bouncing or deejaying?

3. The worst bar I've ever been to is the actual Coyote Ugly in Manhattan. It's expensive, only investment banking tourists go there, Tyra Banks (when she was hot) doesn't work there and the whole place smells like barf. The next worst bar I've been to is every bar in Denver. What's the shittiest bar you've been to? Why?