Welcome, welcome, come in, kick up your feet and let me introduce you to the blog. First, a little about me. I love to write. I write everyday. After graduating college, I realized I didn’t want to be a journalist (begging people for interviews, chasing stories, and the like) nor did I want to be an editor. No one offered me a job on the Letterman show, but I found a cool website called Points In Case. The owner of said website gave me a column (with so few guidelines, that even I didn’t mind) and set up this blog (with absolutely no guidelines). So, I get to write about what I want all the time and some people even read it. Which is awesome. Here’s what I will be writing about on this blog:

Sports. Okay, I realize that not everyone likes sports. Please understand that when I write about sports, I write about the experience of watching the games (either live or at a bar) and don’t get technical at all. I’m an “entertainment purposes only” kind of writer. And your local sports page probably has all the facts you need anyway. That being said, do not trust any of my sports stats. I make them all up on the spot (like I said, you want facts, look in the paper).

The crazy shit that happens to me. For some reason, lots of crazy shit happens to me. And lucky you, you get to read bout it.

Random Snippets. Random snippets are chunks of real conversations that I take out of context and post up. There will be one serving of snippets a week on this blog (and that is the only guarantee of the blog). I’ve been doing the snippets for more than a year and my friends and family think it’s the best writing I do, so I’ll keep ‘em coming. They’re also really easy to write. All you have to do is listen.

Please note that I welcome any and all emails, requests, comments and hate mail. And that’s it. Enjoy.