As of last spring, I have worked as an assitant editor for PIC. The more I think about the trek to where I am, the more surreal it seems, until my head in spinning in some fate vortex of puns and imbedded links. Did you know it all started with a simple AIM chat room?

Anyway, Court and I bounce ideas off each other from time to time, and one of the things I've always felt PIC needed is more of an Editor Presence, or letting more of our personality slip through the cracks. In that vein, I present some of the kinks that come with this job.

Thus, You Know You're an Pointsincase Editor When… (yuk yuk, seriously dad, quit sending these things in my college email inbox… i reserve that for tuition notices and Hawties who want it)

You start making relations between two un-alike things-
My main job as editor is proofreading articles, and then inserting hyperlinks to other articles. Ideally the text is identical. That is, Gaudio writes, “I want to offer a special sorry for the ladies for hurting them with my huge shlong.” and your work is done for you.

That's not the usual case, however. Sometimes I've got to compare Nate's need to understand women to Simonne's article about Camping… or even worse, something E. Mike wrote.

Nothing wrong with E. Mike, but you try working Taming of the You into a column.. it's rough. Anyway, the bottom line is that the internet can be an unfriendly place, and link-making becomes somewhat of an artform.

As for my favorite “text-to-link” relationship, I would have to say it's the direct antagonistic approach, where the link contradicts the title of the next column. It's just funny to me.

You know all the unwritten rules to Voyeur IM
And they are as follows:

1. It's a sport, teamwork and competition are involved. Many times you're racing toward the same punch, other times you're baiting the other into prime comedic territory.
2. Keep typing. This is a no-holds-barred Aim joke shoot-out, and not the new-fangled slow-mo bullet time type. You fire off every round until you're out of ammo, and you call to your friend for help.
3. Topics change, let them.
4. Puns… they don't even have to make sense. It's like a word association at times.
5. No, nobody else will get the jokes.

You've flip-flopped 2-3 times on whether you like a columnist-
Either the writers have dry and wet spells, or like a true fair-weather fan, I oscillate my perspective between objective and subjective every now and then, depending on which way the wind blows. When I was a writer for the site, I had a competitive streak in me. Now, I've come to at least appreciate many of the columns I once snubbed.

I read a lot of articles, and every columnist has a line or two that is just BEAUTIFUL.

You almost expect people to praise your teaser-
Probably the most fun part of this job is writing the teasers that appear under the links on the columnist's article page. They are poetry to me. The sick part is that I fawn over them admirably, and read the comment boxes with a vain, and fairly ridiculous hope that someone will mention: Forget the article, the blurb that links to it is the REAL comedy.

It's a weird thing.

You type DeGraaf with one hand flawlessly-
And yes I got the capital G right. I did this earlier today, and it inspired this entire blog.

You have a growing curiosity about Nick Gaudio's cock-
Like the new inmate just heard his cell buddy say that he killed the previous occupant for not letting him rape him enough, I let out a nervous chuckle everytime I read about Nine-Inch Nick. That kid cracks me up. Heh heh. You don't think he's serious do you?

Naw, no way.

Either way I'm envious of his unwavering committment to the joke… and his doinker.

You blog about it-
I mean c'mon. This isn't THAT interesting and yet here I am.