Do Not Feed the Clown
By Matt Nagin
A box full of satirical delights and irreverent parodies, including 34 short works tackling the mayhem of our news cycle, and highlighting the absurdities of our socio-political climate and inconsistencies of our cultural norms.
Product Description
This is not a political diatribe suggesting we starve all clowns because they're depleting our food supply. Nor is it a book full of paint-by-the-number clown jokes from 1953 (sorry to disappoint). Instead, it is a box full of satirical delights and irreverent parodies.
Consisting of 34 short works, it highlights the absurdities of our socio-political climate, tackles the mayhem of our news cycle, and highlights the inconsistencies of our cultural norms. This is a countercultural book, a bit of a challenge to the system, but in a lighthearted way and in the tradition of the courtjester.
Matt Nagin had his work banned from Funny or Die, which, let's face it, is all the more reason for you to read this book.
Covering all the important topics for 2019/2020 including:
- Insensitivity Training at Dunkin’ Donuts — In response to the Sensitivity Training at Starbucks, a new course is offered at Dunkin’ Donuts that trains employees to be politically incorrect and insensitive as all hell.
- Letters From the Management — Cultural accommodation runs amok in this series of letters from a management company to tenants of an East Village apartment complex, following a series of destructive acts associated with crazed voodoo practitioners.
- Go Fund My Extraterrestrial Lawsuit — An alien abductee, who was given an anal probe in a distant galaxy, requests 12 trillion dollars to pay for an intergalactic flight to The Whirlpool Galaxy where he intends to sue the perpetrators who stole his innocence.
- Roasts Gone Bonkers — A roast of Mrs. Piggy? Kenny Rogers? Hitler? God? Strap in!
- Zombie Apocalypse Insurance — A rapidly growing insurance outfit begins offering Zombie Insurance packages — a move that suggest we’re all taking this zombie threat a bit too seriously.
- The Secret Diary of Tim Cook — A gold iPhone. The removal of the headphone jack. Producing phones that don’t work and then overcharging for repairs at The Genius Bar. Innovation at Apple continues just as it had under Steve Jobs!
- Yelp Reviews of the Crucifixion — Between the haughty beer wenches, the three shekels for front row seats, and the failure to cook Jesus on a gridiron — at least one reviewer was quite upset with his crucifixion experience. Yes, Yosef. R., gave it one star, and suggested the viewer find some other means of entertainment — such as writing an epic poem in the style of The Aeneid, or stabbing yourself in the chest with a poisonous spear.
About the Author
Matt Nagin on Points in Case – Matt Nagin is a writer, educator, actor, filmmaker, and stand-up comedian. In 2018, Matt's poem, “If We Are Doomed,” won The Spirit First Editor's Choice Award. Another poem, “Birds Singing In His Chest,” was published in the anthology “New York's Best Emerging Poets 2019.” He has two poetry books available on Amazon, “Butterflies Lost Within The Crooked Moonlight,” and “Feast of Sapphires,” both of which have obtained very strong reviews. Kirkus Reviews referred to Matt's first book as “powerful verse from a writer of real talent.”
Reviews from Other Authors
“This book will make you feel like you dropped acid, fell into a rabbit hole, and entered a kaleidoscopic realm of hilarity.”
-James Israel, editor of The Humor Times
“Nagin's short essays mix Frank Zappa, Lewis J. Carroll, and Monty Python together with post beatnik wacky introspection. An automatic attitude adjuster for those who wish to use comedy to feel good and relieved of woes.”
-Ferris Butler, former Saturday Night Live writer
More Book Details
- Paperback: 216 pages
- Publisher: Tenth Street Press (December 10, 2019)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0648480275
- ISBN-13: 978-0648480273
- Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.5 x 9 inches
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