Straightforward hunting, outdoors, and general life advice from an optimistic, big-buck whitetail out of Charleston, WV.

Article Archives | 2004, 2003

June 2004

Woodland Traffic Jam | 6-9-04
Are human highways blocking deer traffic? Or are deer treeways obstructing human traffic? Either way it's a bloody mess.

April 2004

Telepathic Magic | 4-14-04
Episode of Walker Texas Ranger prompts reader to wonder: Do deer only perform telepathy with a select few hunters?

March 2004

Milking Deer For All They're Worth | 3-10-04
Once you've got the facts on when to kill, you'll need to know how much it's gonna take to make 'em look good on the wall.

February 2004

Bin Laden-Trodden | 2-25-04
Has the Middle-Easterner gopher distracted hunters from searching out deer? The answer will surprise you.

Life in the City | 2-4-04
WVU student learns how a whitetail big buck survives the hectic city life of Charleston in this inspirational look at corporate animal life.

January 2004

Aiming Below the Belt | 1-11-04
Killing a deer involves more than finding any ol' weak spot. Read this article to make sure you're not violating United Forest agreements.

December 2003

Fruitcake Feeding Frenzy | 12-28-03
The Canadian deer community goes buck wild over Grandma's nastiest gift. Just leave it in your front yard, thanks.

Oh Deer, Lookout! | 12-14-03
The truth behind deer-crossing signs is revealed.

November 2003

Orange Vests are Safe and Sexy! | 11-23-03
Newbie hunter wants to know how to avoid getting shot by other hunters without scaring away potential kills.

Gangsta Hunta Wanna Kill! | 11-16-03
“Transfer hunter” from the South Bronx wants to use his drive-by skills for something besides human lives.

To Kill and Not to be Killed | 11-9-03
Considerate hunter needs help remembering in-season killing dates.

Blinded by the Light | 11-2-03
Court (the deer) forgets to print out MapWoods directions, crosses paths with moving vehicles at night.

October 2003

Fresh Meat! | 10-29-03
Reader stumbles on helpless doe, struggles with college regrets.