By staff writer Jon Doell

A funny, random and sometimes confusing look at college life from someone who's been there, done that, and started all over again.

Article Archives | Start at: 2005

May 2005

The Lies We Tell | 5-4-05
Deceit is a regular part of our lives, and to deny it would be, well, a lie. Here's the truth behind our lies, including tips to get away with them!

April 2005

Spring Panic and Despair | 4-20-05
The end of the semester is creeping up and you haven't cracked a book since midterms. Better work on getting notes from the ugly girl.

The Cure for Single | 4-13-05
It's a well-established fact that girlfriends sap the life out of men. That leaves single guys with two options for fulfilling their sexual needs…