Oscar Pistorius and Reeva Steenkamp

Olympian and Paralympic superstar Oscar Pistorius has released his detailed version of what happened on the night of February 14th when he allegedly shot and killed his current girlfriend Reeva Steenakamp. Pistorius has been charged with pre-meditated murder, magnifying the punishment if convicted, and is awaiting a high-profile trial. Many fans in South Africa and around the world are bewildered as they learn and more about what took place that fateful night.

The defendant remains steadfast in proving his innocence, but in an interview, famed legal expert, Nancy Grace, is skeptical about the testimony of Pistorius. Here is the transcript from Pete Harding's banter with the author and legal pundit.

Pete Harding: Nancy, what do you think really happened that night?

Nancy Grace: Well, I'll tell you what, I most certainly am stumped as to what anyone would be doing shooting a gun, a firearm, a handheld death-weapon, into a closed bathroom door… did you know that, Pete? A CLOSED BATHROOM DOOR.

Pete: Do you feel that this murder was pre-meditated?

Nancy: Pete, I'm not sure if Pistorious was planning on doing this for a while, but this story is what Lifetime Movie Network films are made of: man hurts woman, and rest assured whatever excuse comes out of Pistorioius's mouth is lame. His Pistory-us was shallow at best. (Satisfied grin)

Pete: Do you think the fall of Pistorious will be detrimental to the handicapped community?

Nancy: I don't want to disable what Pistorious has accomplished as a handicapped athlete, but just because you're blind or deaf doesn't mean it's "see no evil, hear no evil." Each lie that comes out of Mr. Pistorius's mouth has been a prosthetic extension of the last. There was a poor woman, paralyzed with fear, stuck in a bathroom, and now she's not comatosed, she's not catatonic, she is flatline, "nope, no response," flat-out dead.

Pete: Do you believe Paralympic athletes are inherently dangerous?

Nancy: 1 for 1 Pete. That's all I know. I always play the odds when it comes to things like this, unless of course the odds don't point to the culprit being a boyfriend or husband, in which case I don't play the odds at all. I'm really at a loss of legs, I'm sorry, loss of words right now. We're done here.

Pete: Thanks for the interview and lending your informed opinion.

Nancy: It's been special.

Pete Harding with Nancy Grace and your latest update on the Pistorius trial.

Nancy Grace and Oscar Pistorius cardÂ