>>> Ask Nicole
By staff writer Nicole McKaig
January 14, 2004

Dear Nicole,

I am having sex without commitment with a girl I went to high school with. At least I thought it was without commitment. Recently she has been saying things that don't make sense to me. It's not like she's dropping hints that she wants commitment, it's more like she's behaving under the assumption that we already have one. She kind of tricked me into having dinner with her family next week and that makes me nervous. Is there a way to salvage the sex without all the strings attached? On a side note, I kind of promised my roommate that he could have her a couple nights a week.

Clarence in East Lansing

Dear Clarence,

I do appreciate your question, but we need to get a couple of things straight here. First, if you’re having regular sex with a girl, it’s natural for her to assume that the two of you are “together.” It is theoretically possible to avoid this type of implied quasi-commitment, but it requires a notarized document signed in blood, explicitly stating that the sex is absolutely string-free.

Second, this girl is not a video game or a hot-pot; you can't just loan her out to your roommate. At this time in your life, your relationship needs are best satisfied by a Playboy magazine (which, incidentally, will never ask you to meet its parents, and can be loaned to your roommate whenever you wish).



Dear Nicole,

There's this guy I have very strong feelings for, and I think he may feel similarly toward me. The problem is, he's several years older than me, and at a different point in life. Could a relationship between us work?


Dear BlueEyes,

Go for it! Age difference isn’t always a relationship liability. You’ll be fine as long as your relationship isn't strained by his Elks Club obligations, including his commitment to the Principles of Elkdom (Charity, Justice, Brotherly Love, and Fidelity).



Dear Nicole,

Alright, me and this girl are best friends and I want to nail her, but she says things will be weird after we do. Will things really get weird, or is she just saying that cuz she don't wanna do it?


Dear Scrumptious,

Yes and yes.
