>>> Ask Nicole
By staff writer Nicole McKaig
January 7, 2004

Dear Nicole,

I‘ve been dating a girl for about a month. We have been out about seven times, including New Years. I like her but last night she was tired and I dropped her home at 8 pm. Today I called her to wish her a nice day. No response. We haven't had sex. I want to learn about who she is before sex. Today I am feeling that since she hasn't called something is up. What should I do? I want to call her again but I am giving it a break. I like this girl and don't want to blow it or seem obsessive. Help?


Dear Danny,

With very few exceptions, girls appreciate guys who take it slow and express interest in getting to know them before jumping into bed, so don't assume she's lost interest in you. There may be a very good reason she hasn't called back. For example, maybe her car crashed through a guard rail and plunged into a ravine. Perhaps she was carried off by a hungry pterodactyl. And of course, there's the very real possibility that she's decomposing in a nearby theater after being bored to death by the last half hour of Lord of the Rings. In any case, don't sweat it.



Dear Nicole,

I have a couple of questions I need answers for and I was hoping you would be able to help me out. First, recently me and my boyfriend started having sex without a condom and he can last a lot longer without one, is that normal or unnormal? Also is it true that a guy lasts longer if he's having sex in water, perhaps a hot tub or pool?


Dear Amber,

Most guys typically last longer with a condom, in a pool, under the influence, and with a partner they find unattractive…not necessarily in that order. However, since you think “unnormal” is a word, I don't know if you're really old enough to be having sex. Or swimming.



Dear Nicole,

I am severely jealous of ever woman who talks to my boyfriend. I think he likes flirting with other girls because it boosts his self-esteem, but it really pisses me off. Plus, word around campus is he enjoys kissing other girls when I'm at work or in class. I don't want to believe it, but as a result I keep him on a very tight leash. I don't want to end up on a daytime talk show. What should I do?


Dear Jackie,

If you have a gut feeling that he's cheating on you, you need to break it off. Even if he's not, your suspicions will negatively impact the relationship. More importantly, if you do end up on a daytime talk show, don't be one of those women who wears granny panties and a nursing bra when they know full well they're going to rip off their vinyl skankwear on national television. Instead, wear pretty lingerie so you'll look and feel fabulous when the bouncers drag your struggling, sweat-drenched body offstage.
