>>> Ask Nicole
By staff writer Nicole McKaig
February 23, 2005

Dear Nicole,

I've recently been kind of seeing this guy and I like him and he really likes me and I think he wants to go out with me but I don't want any commitment or anything and just want to have some fun and sex with him, but I don't know how to ask if that's alright without hurting him, do you think this is the right thing to do. I just don't see us working out in the future but I enjoy the stuff we do. Is it possible to have a no strings attached sex life with this guy?

Thanks for the help.


Dear Claire,

Most guys are string-free by default. Even if your guy is interested in a relationship with you, it probably won't be hard for him to make the transition from wooing to screwing. He'll take to it like a duck to stale, soggy bread.


Dear Nicole,

Is it wrong to still love your ex if you broke up with him after dating him for 2 years? Or do you think it's the fact that he already has another girlfriend?


Dear Beth,

You can't just forget someone you spent so much time with. You're used to thinking of your ex in boyfriend context, and it will probably feel weird the first time you see him kissing another girl, or raping a goat. Just remember that your feelings are perfectly natural, and part of the breakup process.


Dear Nicole,

Hi, my name is George and I am a sweet guy that would treat a girl like a princess if I had a girlfriend. Some of the girls I have liked in the past dated such assholes I don’t understand why? I am always so nice to girls that I like and I don’t get anything back from it. Any advice?


Dear George,

As a girl who has dated a few guys known to commit random acts of assholery, I understand where you're coming from. I think it's rooted in low self-esteem, and the girl-logic goes something like this: This nice guy is crazy about me, and since I suck, he must have low standards. This jerk likes me, but treats me like crap… which means he recognizes my worthlessness, but is willing to give me a chance to earn his love. The nice guy will be there in case this other guy falls through, but in the meantime, I'm going to take the asshole's abuse with good humor, since something you work and suffer for is automatically more valuable than something you get for free. Is this a glaring example of female irrationality? Perhaps, but don't climb on that high horse yet, boys. At least our apartments don't reek of rotting fast food and stale urine.


Dear Nicole,

How come jerks get beautiful women, does that mean that the beautiful women are deep down jerks too?


Dear Shmegmar,

Did you even READ the last question??
