>>> Ask Nicole
By staff writer Nicole McKaig
March 2, 2005

Dear Nicole,

I‘ve been hurt in many relationships, how do I recover from all my hurt and get over my fear of being hurt so that maybe I can some day meet someone?


Dear Fran,

Don't waste your time. You're just going to get screwed again. My advice is to find a new hobby that's safer than dating. Something less likely to leave you bruised, bloody, and emotionally crippled. Naked bullfighting comes to mind.



Dear Nicole,

Why not?


Dear Drew,

Because it's too damn risky, that's why. Look: I've been saying this for years.The United States should… nay, MUST… execute a preemptive strike against the continent of Antarctica. It seems innocuous enough, but that's it's power. No one expects a nation inhabited by Chinstrap penguins and Snow petrel to suddenly let loose with an A-bomb. But if Americans want to continue to sit in their living rooms swallowing Discovery Channel propaganda, there's nothing I can do about it.


Dear Nicole,

i want to kiss u, i want to spend a night with with u.


Dear Qasim,

The going rate is eight bucks. Cough it up.



Dear Nicole,

I've heard that going back in time feels better than having sex. Please advise.


Dear Il-yo,

I can't really say, since I haven't done both. But I can tell you that time travel feels pretty fantastic.
