Today's Survey
Finish What You Started

My ex was …
a purebred German shepherd. But ohhh, that tongue!

My Family is …
lucky I let them keep my last name.

Maybe I should …
refrain from swallowing this shard of broken glass. Nah.

I love …
to make people laugh, even if it’s against their will… gunpoint.

I don't understand …
Swahili, quantum physics, or how American Idol is so goddamn popular.

My favorite color is …
too-much-grape-drink-shit green

I lost my…
zest for life, but found my Zest bar soap, so I pretty much broke even.

Walking on ….
fetishists’ genitals with my high heels put me through college.

I want to …
talk about getting laid all the time and have that become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

People would say that I'm …
happily. At least that’s how Chinese immigrants describe me.

Love is …
terrible indigestion. I find Pepto Bismol makes love go away the quickest.

Somewhere, someone is …
masturbating. (I’ll give you a hint. It’s me.)

I will always …
remind people of the most embarrassing thing they’ve ever done in the most inappropriate setting possible: board meetings, weddings, Presidential inaugurations, stuff like that.

Forever is …
the lower bound of my sexual stamina.

I never want to …
find out that people knew from word of mouth that I was lying about the last one.

I think the current President is …
going to bring the ‘nucular’ holocaust to ‘Amurrica’.

When I wake up in the morning I …
have to wait for my boner to subside so I can piss. Either that, or I do a handstand by the toilet.

Life is full of …
mostly futile attempts to acquire as much cash as possible, so you can subsequently retire and die. And also, lollipop kisses.

My past is incredibly . . .
viscous. And in case you’re wondering, I have no idea what viscous actually means.

I get annoyed when …
people use ellipses gratuitously…

Parties are for…
temporary dismissal of dignity.

I wish …
I was a little bit taller-a, wish I was a baller-a…

My dog is …
able to lick his hairy penis.

My cat …
is tired of being the focus of millions of pussy jokes. So, to teach him a lesson, I FUCKED HIM.

Kisses are the worst when …
you can taste her open canker sores.

Tomorrow I'm going to …
call a dermatologist about this persistent itchiness. I hope I’m not being too rash.

I really want …
my cunt to feel better. (That was actually in the bulletin from which I copied this. Honestly, it would be arrogant of me to think I could come up with anything funnier.)

I have low tolerance for people who …
have black skin. Fuckin’ chimney sweeps and coal miners.

If I had a million dollars …
I’d put it on red. Then there’d be a 47% chance that I’d have TWO million dollars.

Guys are …
physically superior, emotionally inferior, and sexually convex.

Girls are …
the generous bearers of tittays.
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