We should totally do this again!

I’ll Venmo you!

Thanks for shopping at Sears!

Text me your name, so I have it in my phone!

I’m a Libra-Scorpio cusp.

I’ll get drinks at the next bar!

I’m so glad we ran into each other!

Everything you see here is handcrafted!

We have to do this more often!

What are you up to this weekend? (text sent 38 weeks ago)

Of course we can handle long distance, babe!

Honestly, we have to stop talking about hanging out!

Thank you for taking the time to apply for the HBO 2019 Fall Intern: Consumer Marketing- Digital & Social Media (job 172310BR)!

Sorry, I’ll be right back with another napkin.

We’ll call you when we get the bloodwork back.

We should totally start an indie improv troupe!

You have to buy something to use the bathroom.

I’m out of town this weekend and next, but after that I’m free!

How long have you been in New York? We have to get together!

I’m socially liberal, but fiscally conservative.

Okay, we all have each other emails right? No excuses!

It was great bumping into you. I’ll text you!

Happy Friendsgiving!

In sickness and in health.