Arthur Miller in the Playground

August Wilson in Front of the iHop

Sophocles in the Deep End of the Community Pool

David Mamet in the Penn Station Bathrooms

Lorraine Hansbury in the Macy’s Parking Lot

Henrik Ibsen in the Anime Section of the Public Library

Tennessee Williams in the Alley Behind the Delicatessen

Tarrel Alvin McCraney in the Middle of a Yard Sale

Eugene O’Neil in the Vacant Lot Across From the CVS

Danai Gurira in the Outdoor Dining Area of a Sushi Restaurant

George Bernard Shaw on a Precariously-Balanced Manhole Cover

Annie Baker in the Secret Hookup Spot Under the Bleachers

Neil Simon in the Tiny Courtyard on the Side of a Church

David Henry Hwang in a Rusty, Abandoned Gas Station

Oscar Wilde in the Indoor Waiting Area by the Train Tracks

Edward Albee in the Middle of a Busy Intersection

Samuel Beckett in a 6 Train That's Stuck Between 23rd Street and 28th Street

Bruce Norris in the Front Yard of a Home in a White, Middle-Class Neighborhood in Chicago, and Then Again 50 Years Later in the Front Yard of the Same Home in a Predominantly Black Neighborhood in the Process of Being Gentrified