- Everything smells like latex
- Lots of pre-testing involved
- You just met the person who will be intimately probing your body
- Several people and bright lights surround you
- Everyone’s really nice
- It's all going down on top of a table
- Plenty of numbing required
- Possible intravenous action
- Someone is getting paid thousands of dollars and enthusiastically yells “Cut!”
- You wonder how things might have been different if you had made different life choices
- You must remove all clothing and accessories, except for the robe provided by the management
- A handsome, bald man with good eyebrows stares deep inside of you
- Some seriously good veins popping
- Plenty of orchestrated shifts
- Awkward positions
- Sharp penetration
- You accidentally peed in your gurney
- Hairpin turns
- Possible psychedelic visual displays and seventies music playing in the background
- Frequent calling on God and Jesus
- Oozing goo squirting into your eyes
- If all goes well you will see stars. If not, you will be sore
- It only lasts 15 minutes
- Naps will shortly ensue
- The whole experience will give you a new outlook on life
1-8, 10-25: Getting cataract surgery
1-16, 18-25: Starring in a cheap porn