• Throw the whopping thirty-three dimes and two pennies I was just awarded up in the air and roll around on them. Rejoice! For I am now wealthy! What have I done to deserve such a vast amount of capital?!
  • Add “new money” to my Instagram bio.
  • Start waving the way the Royals do.
  • Find my high school bullies on Facebook and message them all individually to alert them of my newfound financial status.
  • Start looking down on those who are $3.32 poorer than I. Can you imagine….
  • When prompted on a card machine to donate to charity, proudly click no and announce to the cashier that now that I got that sweet, sweet money I don’t “do charity….” Unless I get a tax break of course… because duh. I’m rich, not stupid.
  • Pay a month's rent in 1958.
  • Pay for four years of college at an accredited university in 1945.
  • Make a down payment on a house in 1910.
  • Buy an entire motherfucking town in 1885. Name it “Wells Fargo Town” in honor of the ever so generous Mr. Wells Fargo himself. Erect a statue in his honor. Walk past it every day and lock eyes with his stony face and say “thank you” as a single tear rolls down my cheek.
  • Rejoice the heavens above that I am now financially stable. Thank you, Mr. Wells Fargo! I no longer have any problems. Everyone thinks I’m awesome and hot and I somehow got taller?! You have solved all my woes and rid me of my burdens. I do not know what I could ever do to repay you… but I definitely won’t be paying you back the $3.32; I’m rich now and I intend to stay that way.