1. Impaled by an upturned meat thermometer
  2. Something called “dry drowning”
  3. Wood splinters through eyeball
  4. Lettuce recall
  5. Decapitation by helicopter
  6. Pepperoni recall
  7. That cut is going to get infected
  8. Fuel leak recall from a car I don’t own
  9. Swallowing a “button battery”
  10. Coyote attack
  11. Choking hazard
  12. Trapped in a burning effigy
  13. Going to CVS, somehow
  14. Decapitation by garage door
  15. Shark attack

Movie: 3, 5, 12, 14
Mom: 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 13
Both: 7, 11, 15