Hi Maggie, this is Matt, a Volunteer Dater from Tinder. It’s no secret that a first date is one of the most pivotal moments for our future. This could very well propel us to “hanging out” status. I hope to see you at Miller’s Tavern at 8 p.m.

I’m sorry to be texting again, Maggie. I normally wouldn’t do this, but I need to remind you of an important date deadline, which is tomorrow night at 8 p.m. Can I count on you tomorrow to meet me at Miller’s Tavern?

Hey, Maggie, I’ll cut right to the chase. Please, Maggie, confirm that you’ll see me at Miller’s tonight at 8 p.m. Stay engaged and stay involved!

Our time is now, Maggie. I have a table in the back at Miller’s.

Here’s the deal, Maggie. I’m ready to put in our drink orders. Will you stand with me in 2020 and drink a gin and tonic, too?

Reaching out, Maggie. We’re behind in the polls here: Sorry that I talked over you the whole date. Can we unite to remedy this? Asking for your support.

Maggie, this is awkward—we’re at a crucial fundraising deadline, and I need $12.50 Venmo’d to me for the gin and tonic, before midnight tonight! Donate at hskdlr.donate.gov.

Hi Maggie, will you join me on another date tomorrow? This is our chance to make systemic change in our relationship status.

Hey, Maggie, it’s Matt, a Volunteer Dater from Tinder again. This is a historic grassroots movement, powered by the people. We can still win this. Text me pics.

Maggie—let’s not take this for granted! The stakes have never been higher for us to try again. Chip in that $12.50 to make up a pivotal fundraising deficit at hskdlr.donate.gov.

If you’d like to stop receiving communications, text “STOP” to opt out of further contact.

Maggie, this is my last text. We need you now more than ever. This is our moment. Send pics.