- Lose holiday weight
- Stop look at naked cave painting all day, find life partner
- Get promotion. Head mammoth hunter available now that Krag decapitated
- Krag wife: send flowers?
- Explore Fertile Crescent—could be something there
- Consider Paleolithic diet. (Atkins maybe?)
- Stop think like Mesolithic Man, start think like New Stone Age man. Time to be me that me want to be
- Take better care of skin. Already looking like middle-aged 17-year-old
Clean hut twice a dayClean hut once a dayClean hut when possible- Stop making doody in hut
- Try cut hut-doody down to 2-3 times a week
- Tackle to-do list. Finally look at smash copper + tin together
- Tell rest of hut about + sign and numbers before next mammoth hunt, maybe useful for them
- Start playing bone flute again, maybe get band back together