Weekly funny lists for readers on the go. Quizzes
If I Texted My Ex How SMS Marketers Text Me
Special offer alert for your birthday! Reply before the end of the night for an all-inclusive hookup!!
Weekly funny lists for readers on the go. Quizzes
Special offer alert for your birthday! Reply before the end of the night for an all-inclusive hookup!!
If you’re still using Facebook today, you’ll still be using Facebook in 2042.
💒👀So, HOW did we build such a LOVING RELATIONSHIP? 👀💒 Here’s how 👇
When you sing to your baby please use public-domain music.
To hear this litany of passive-aggressive disgust in English, press one.
P.U., this clown stunk! Literally, he smelled like he crawled out of a sewer.
A woman realizes she’s in love with her best friend and vows to stop his wedding by any means necessary.
Reese's Cups: “Another groveling rube clamoring for accolades simply for having done exactly what is required."
Contains blood, gore, jump scares, high-pitched screeching instead of a real soundtrack, and gross chewing noises.
Close family and friends are worried about your future prospects.
Actual Word: Package Pronounced: “Peekage”: An accidental exposure of flesh or undergarments due to missing or loose clothing fastener(s).
- “Economically anxious” strawberries - The blackberries of our discontent - The raspberries of road rage