Weekly funny lists for readers on the go. Quizzes
6 Reasons Why Ryan Reynolds Is the Antichrist from Revelation
The leopard with the feet of a bear and the mouth of a lion is an obvious reference to Ryan Reynolds' dashing good looks.
Weekly funny lists for readers on the go. Quizzes
The leopard with the feet of a bear and the mouth of a lion is an obvious reference to Ryan Reynolds' dashing good looks.
Congratulations on your new baby! You know what else is new? New York City, where I work and live.
Would you say this survey is currently: - Meeting your expectations - Not meeting your expectations
No one will explain the charge to you, but you are sure it is unjust.
Prompt 4: Do you think you’ll ever grow out of being a nerd?
September 21st, 10:02 PM: “The Big Stinker” spotted again three miles away, hovering outside an elderly woman’s second-story window.
Fragrant blueberry bush behind the cabin where you tossed your urine-soaked sleeping bag in a panic to get rid of the evidence.
Robin Hood: Get married in the woods and then crash a wealthier wedding’s reception for dinner. Archery optional, but encouraged.
Governor And Fire Offer Competing Visions For Forest’s Future
- They both went to boarding school - They wish people would just calm down about the socioeconomic divide
- The Bibliophile - Angela Lansbury - This Love (Taylor’s Version)
Good news! Vita Coco has just offered $4,500 to work their product into the show. Frasier just needs to say, "I’m loco for Vita Coco!"