Weekly funny lists for readers on the go. Quizzes
Celebrity Sequels to “Eat, Pray, Love”
Andrew Cuomo: Intimidate, Inoculate, Incriminate Ted Bundy: Marry, Fuck, Kill Hamlet: Be, Not Be, Wonder Lil Nas X: Yee, Haw, Satan-Worship
Weekly funny lists for readers on the go. Quizzes
Andrew Cuomo: Intimidate, Inoculate, Incriminate Ted Bundy: Marry, Fuck, Kill Hamlet: Be, Not Be, Wonder Lil Nas X: Yee, Haw, Satan-Worship
All Time Low: Dear Maria, Count Me Out, I Have a Baby Shower That Day Green Day: Crate and Barrel Case
Known for ruining weddings Feels very repetitive, and makes it seem like you’re dying Love it or hate it, left a permanent stamp on the cultu…
The Human Flashlight She’ll find those evil villains hiding in the dark, oh yes, she will. (Unless she’s recharging at home, of course.)
- Saying “have fun” when someone says they have to go to the bathroom - Seductively unbuckling one of the buckles on your left shoe
Before your friend has the chance to say, “How’ve you been?” grab all three of you into a hug and take selfies.
- You felt a warm and spicy thick wave crash over you. - Everyone else at the KFC Summer Family Fun Fest faded away.
A Phone Charger: “Nourish thine phone and ye shall nourish thine soul.” Neitzsche said that.
- You don’t really know what he does all day. - He has a lot of defense mechanisms from his childhood. - He woos with music.
Don’t kill the goose that lays the golden eggs, but if you did, I’m sure it was an unfortunate accident during crossbow practice.
- A woman whose boyfriend just proposed to her on the football stadium’s Jumbotron - A really bad hurdler - Moses without a staff
- Your phone’s insistence that you can’t take pictures until you delete stuff. - Your phone’s refusal to agree that deleting 32 pictures was enough.