Weekly funny lists for readers on the go. Quizzes
Donkey Kong Country Level or Episode of Chopped?
TV food challenge? Or problem for a big ape? Test your knowledge for Meatball Madness, Bumble B. Rumble, Clever Fever, and more.
Weekly funny lists for readers on the go. Quizzes
TV food challenge? Or problem for a big ape? Test your knowledge for Meatball Madness, Bumble B. Rumble, Clever Fever, and more.
Women are underrepresented / The news is not good
Babies' forearm prints all turned into leeches crawling around a fetid pond.
Dr. Ellis is not worrying about grading papers or summoning a hoard of lizard monsters for Gork the Lizard King.
Oh maybe that guy's not a robot. Now I don't think this one's about robots at all.
Penguins are from Antarctica, the Galápagos Islands, New Zealand, and South Africa but live in captivity in places like Detroit.
Danish Castle with Sea View: Currently not under threat of invasion from Norway!
Tells you in no uncertain terms that they are "NOT sleepy." Orders you to play the same song. Again.
“Sorry, I can’t, I’m doing drugs later with a different group of cooler kids.”
Two goldfish crackers. There used to be six, but you reached in between the cushion and ate four of them three weeks after they fell here.
It was the best of times. What it also was will shock you!
- Can easily put you in a trance. - Executes with remarkable speed.