B | I | N | G | O |
“This turkey is a little dry. I’m not criticizing, just observing!” | “I’m logging all this food to track my macros. Maybe you should try it.” | “I notice you didn’t bring anyone home this year. Again.” | “Honey, I think you need a new phone. You never seem to get my texts.” | “Is your sister still crying in the bathroom?” |
“This stuffing is perfect! Did someone help you make it?” | “So, how’s that so-called ‘job’ of yours going?” | “What? What did I say wrong?” | “Law school applications are down. Might be a good time to try again?” | “It’s so nice you came. I know you’re busy.” |
“If you want to break a cherished family tradition, be my guest.” | “No thank you. Cheap wine gives me a headache.” | FREE SPACE
“Ah, quality time with family!” |
“If you read a real news source you’d know Thanksgiving glorifies genocide.” | “Your new girlfriend certainly has a lot of piercings, doesn’t she?” |
“Each slice of pumpkin pie has 425 calories. I’m just stating a fact.” | “Did you change the recipe? I liked it the old way.” | “No Black Friday for me. I don’t need wasteful consumerism to feel validated.” | “So, when are you going to have kids?” | “Sure Grandma, I’ll explain transgender. Again.” |
“There’s a bowl of lettuce in case you’re gluten-free or vegan or whatever the latest fad is.” | “I don't see the point of ‘Friendsgiving' unless of course you hate your family.” | “I guess I’m just not hip enough to ‘get' Harry Styles.” | “Some might say football is barbaric and the NFL is racist, but fine, turn on the game if you want.” | “So, are you coming home for Christmas?” |