1. Overworked

2. Doesn't have health insurance

3. Emits strong odor of cheese puffs and nearly-expired sandwich meat

4. Not given even the slightest break

5. Expected to do the work of five individuals

6. Stained with blood, sweat, and tears at the end of a week

7. Replaced by a cheaper option when they fail

8. Stretched to cover more area by upper management

9. Watches boss make the same mistakes day in and day out

10. Owned by Jeff Bezos

11. Surrounded by Amazon packages

12. Talked down to by superior

13. Endures grueling, torture-like shifts

14. Every fiber of being pushed to the brink of deterioration by Jeff Bezos

15. Are the absolute unsung backbone of a billion dollar empire

16. Are the absolute unsung backbone of a billion quarantined humans

Quarantine Sweatpants: 3, 16

Amazon Warehouse Worker: 15

Both: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14

