- Matching tattoos
- Going around and saying what you dislike about everyone
- DIY ax throwing in the parking lot
- Fish microwaving contest
- Egging Janet in HR’s car (for charity)
- A game I will not be explaining in advance called “Piss fish”
- Food fight
- Bracket-style competition for which coworker you would actually save in the trolley problem
- Breaking into HR’s office and destroying evidence of The Incident Janet wrote me up for
- Fighting to the death for the last breakroom donut
- Fighting to the death for the big promotion
- Fighting to the death for the love of violent competition
- Snakes (for charity)
- Everyone shares the worst thing that happened in their life
- Dressing up as what Janet wrote you up for
- Weekend retreat hosted by Bear Grylls
- Fear Factor but with Janet’s lunches
- Releasing 100 rats in the building and the person who ends up with the most rats wins
- Speed running a full season the The Bachelor
- Speed running a full season of Love Island
- Speed running a full season of Flavor of Love
- Reading and giving me constructive yet gentle feedback on my manuscript, an activity Janet insisted was “an inappropriate use of working hours”
- Fridge leftover eating contest
- Having a repeat of The Incident where you see if the desk in Janet’s office is made of real wood by axing it up and trying to make a fire in her office but accidentally setting the carpet on fire and causing the company millions (for charity)
- Building an apology desk together, upcycling all the paperwork from the previous activity
- Mets game (Janet is a Yankees fan)