Archie Faucet – Known for his prodigious discharge, and a sexual member lacking in any noticeable smallpox scars, Mr. Faucet’s best-loved work is the 1847 classic Dickens-conceived daguerreotype, “A Most Agreeable Evening With Lord Kitchener’s Scullery Maid, Agnes.”

Saxby Rubber – An “oil man,” Mr. Rubber performed only with a thick coating of various noxious crude petroleums, consigning him largely to villainous roles such as workhouse owner Mr. Chumbleby in Charles Dickens’ much-loved erotica, “Oliver Pissed.”

Thack Pour – A live sex show performer, Mr. Pour typically festooned his lithe body with corsets and cummerbunds of various sizes and quality, although he is known for a particularly offensive performance involving an admirals jacket and an oily chimney brush. Later, he was Pip’s friend and trading partner in the East India Tea company, as depicted in “Rock-Hard Times.”

Wick Filter – A target of cruel-humor and derision. Mr. Filter’s member, bearing a more than passing resemblance to a mass-produced string coated with cheap tallow, is a frequent source of comic relief in many erotic flip-books. Charles Dickens, in private letters to close associates, frequently boasted of his dinner parties in which an inebriated and financially-desperate Filter was goaded into performing a series of degrading skits of a foul and ribald nature.

Charles Thrustglove – A so-called “Gentleman Fister,” Mr. Thrustglove performed exclusively in the most dashing of finery, and only inserted his hands into the recta of well-fed and literate men and women. A series of graphic oil paintings depicting the activities of Thrustglove adorn the drawing room of Great Expectations character “Mr. Jaggers,” though this detail is not explicitly mentioned in the novel.