It can be infuriating, seeing all the couples around you posting pictures of their romantic getaways on Instagram. Your coworker and her fiance are in Cancun mainlining mojitos while you’re unjamming the printer again. Your neighbor Judy can’t let you walk the dog once without reminding you her husband’s taking her to Tahoe. If you see one more reel of a happy couple drawing a giant heart in the sand, you think you might actually scream—or cry.

The thing is, right now, you  just don’t have that kind of time or money to spend on a vacation. You love your partner and you want to celebrate that, but sometimes it feels like love is just too expensive. Fortunately, you might not have to go as far as you think to in order to enjoy a romantic adventure with your significant other. Here are four big reasons to plan more micro-adventures with that special someone.

1. Better for Your Budget

The most obvious reason to plan more adventures close to home is that it’s a lot less expensive than getting on a plane. However, it’s not just about short term financial limitations, but about planning a more romantic future. Take more mini vacations now, and you’ll have the funds in the bank to take that big trip later on down the road. Think of a mini-adventure not as a budget-friendly choice, but as a real investment in your relationship's future.

To get the most out of an affordable mini-trip, you’ll have to think outside the box. What constitutes “adventure” for you, and how can you make it happen without maxing out your credit card? Could you hold off on that amusement park trip and spend a silly day taking turns pushing each other on the swing sets? What about a picnic at your local swimming hole instead of that trip to the beach or the water park?

2. Strengthening Your Bond

Shared new experiences with your loved one can cause you and your partner to release happy hormones like dopamine and oxytocin. These hormones make you feel more closely bonded and can increase feelings of pleasure and joy. The combined effect of doing something new and doing it together is great for both your overall happiness levels and your relationship. It also builds your connection by training your brain to expect good experiences with your partner.

To experience novelty without straining your bank account, try renting a kayak or heading to a rock-climbing gym. Or, if you’re not the athletic type, try an escape room, giant maze, or haunted house, if it’s the season. Look for experiences neither of you have tried before, or those that spike your adrenaline. The shared excitement could boost your excitement for each other and help you build a more exhilarating connection.

3. Reducing Stress Levels

Sometimes the best reason to take a mini-vacation together is simply that you need a break. Unfortunately, you can’t always get the vacation days your brain and body desperately need. A relaxing micro-vacay can help make it seem like you’ve had the full-length respite you really deserve. It can also help reduce you and your partners’ stress levels, easing any stress-related tension or conflict around the house.

For a more low-key adventure, try packing up the car and spending the night at a local campsite. Or, if you’re not much for sleeping outdoors, try relaxing outdoor activities like bird-watching or fishing. If you’re more the indoor type, why not light a fire in the fireplace (or switch on a virtual streaming fireplace)? You can cozy up under blankets, read books, tell scary stories, play games, or even just eat microwave s’mores.

4. Making Memories

The more micro-adventures you take, the more memories you make to share with your loved one in the future. Go on lots of little trips, take lots of great photos, and you’ll never be at a loss for something to talk about. Plus, research shows that partners who engage in nostalgia may have more loving relationships. That means giving yourselves more moments together could ultimately be the secret to a long-lasting romance.

For the best memory-making mini-adventures, look for photogenic places where you can take lots of selfies together. Try a hilltop that looks out over the countryside, or a rooftop with 360-degree views of the city at sunset. Bring your phones and a selfie-stick, so you can capture the prettiest pictures of your time out on the town together. Just don’t spend so much time choreographing the perfect shot that you forget to actually enjoy where you are in the moment.

A Chance to Grow Together

Going on more mini-adventures with your partner doesn’t just help you relax and grow your bond. It can also make you objectively better at working together to overcome challenges and make shared decisions. The more unique scenarios you expose your relationship to, the better-equipped you’ll both be to handle whatever comes your way in the future. You’ll get on-the-ground practice at working together like a well-oiled problem-solving machine.

The more mini-vacations you take, the better prepared you’ll be to travel the world or build a stable home life together. You’ll get hands-on experience at how to be the best partners to each other through thick and thin, no matter where you are. Whether your mini-adventures are a means to an end or a life-long way to enjoy the present moment is up to you. Just make sure to bring a positive attitude and learn the most you can from each adventure.