Journal writing is one of the best ways to explore and reflect on a book’s themes. It’s a form of dialogue with yourself about the ideas that arise from the story. It’s also a great way to prime your creative juices. Upon trying it, you’ll find that journal writing enhances your understanding of the books you’ve read. Here are a few tips to get you started.

1. Summarize the Theme in Your Own Words

Open your journal and write a summary of the central theme(s) in your own words. Don’t worry about getting it just right – it’s just for you. When you’re forced to summarize, you actually have to think. You force your brain to grapple with the main ideas and takeaways. The very act of summarizing forces you to crystallize your understanding and provides a point of reference for future contemplation. This will help you greatly if you need to write an essay on a specific book or topic. Alternatively, you can use TopEssayWriting to buy economics essay when you don’t feel like writing yourself. This is a great way to ensure positive grades while giving yourself time to rest and recharge.

2. Relate the Theme to Your Life

To really grasp the theme, personalize it in your journal. Ask yourself these questions:

  • Have I experienced anything similar?
  • How does this theme relate to my own life?
  • What can this theme teach me about myself?
  • How does personalizing the theme solidify my understanding of it?

This will help you connect with your topic deeply and also learn more about yourself.

3. Explore Character Actions and Motivations

Look into the heart of the characters and their motivations. Why do they act as they do? How does it relate to and elucidate the book’s theme? Write about this in your journal, and it will shift your perspective on the characters and the theme of the piece.

4. Reflect on the Author’s Intent

Ask yourself why an author chose this theme, what they meant to express, and how the author’s life impacted their theme. Once you start thinking this way, the story and its themes become more evident to you. You gain a greater understanding of why the book was written and grasp the wider context.

5. Analyze the Impact of the Setting

The setting of a literary work is often central to the development of its theme. Discuss the way in which the setting contributes to the theme. The time period or location can be important to the message of the book, and the theme might be completely different if the setting were different. Writing about the setting can open up new paths of analysis and allow you to see the theme in a new way.

6. Compare with Other Books

Finally, compare it with themes from other books that you have read. Are there similarities or differences? How do other authors of various periods treat the same or similar themes? Writing about such similarities and differences can deepen your understanding and bring you into new perspectives. In your mind, you are creating a library of themes, each building upon the other.

Bringing It All Together

Journal writing provides a great means by which you can reflect upon the themes of a book. Use it to help you think more deeply, make connections to your own life, consider new points of view, and so on. Summarise themes. Consider how they relate to you. Reflect on the motivations of the characters. Ask questions. Consider the author’s purpose. Think about where and when the story occurred. Compare the book you are reading with another book you have read or are reading. Do all this, and you will have a deep and thorough understanding of the book themes!